Book Review: Feathers for Peacock

If you are wondering how the peacock got such beautiful feathers this wonderful fable reveals the secret.

This book is being featured as a giveaway to existing newsletter followers.

Title: Feathers for Peacock
Author: Jacqueline Jules
Illustrations: Helen Cann
Publisher:  Wisdom Tales Press
ISBN:  9781937786533


When the world was young birds had not acquired their feathers. In the winter Peacock, Eagle and Owl along with many others birds would shiver in the winter. They would huddle together in caves or holes in the ground. Leaves were the next best thing to a blanket. The birds felt it wasn’t fair that Fox had fur and Turtle had a shell. One night, all the animals met under the full moon and were promised to be clothed at dawn. When the dawn came, Peacock was still asleep. Peacock heard the noise of the birds singing praise for their new feathers. Peacock was sad. How did he miss out on feathers of his own? The other animals each donated a feather to Peacock. Do you suppose it worked?

Author Jacqueline Jules and illustrator Helen Cann have created a wonderful fable about why birds have such beautiful feathers. Wisdom Tales Press is well known for sharing stories with beautiful illustrations that surround readers with imagination and the “what if” possibilities. Parents and teachers will approve.
