
Featured Post

Tae Hates Reading by Lamica Roberson

Beast by K. L. Bernard

Changemakers in Business by Dr. Artika R. Tyner

Numbers 123 In English - Swahili by Dr. Artika Tyner

Kojo Loves Science by Dr. Artika Tyner

Do It Yourself Dollhouse by Shannon Anderson

Kofi Loves Music, by Dr. Artika Tyner

Maya Moves To A New Country by Pearl Gifty Alimo

STEM: A Call To Leadership by Dr. Artika Tyner

Carl Walker: The Sound of Justice by Majeste Phillip

J Is for Juneteenth by Jamariah Cross, Kimani Prince and Ariyah Webster

Justice Makes a Difference by Dr. Artika Tyner and Jacklyn Milton

National Library Week 2024

Shayna Leib - Author Highlight

Finding Figgins by Shayna Leib

The Adventures of Pete The Squirrel - In The House

The Top Five Easy Reader Books of 2023

The Top Five Picture Books of 2023

Lufi and Friends Books That Sing

Steve Metzger - Author Highlight

The Bumble Brothers – The Not-So-Secret Clubhouse by Steve Metzger

Caterpillar's Surprise by Janet Halfmann