Book Review: Lucky

Book Review & Giveaway!
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Offer expires 2/3/2012.

Title: Lucky
Author: Craig Inglis
Illustrator: Richard Kinsey
Publisher: Create SpaceISBN:9781463777562


Lucky is a wonderful dog and great company for a man who was all alone. Together they took walks in the park and Lucky learned cool new doggy tricks. He fetched, begged and sat on command. One day, Lucky darted across the street and was hit by a car. The man rushed Lucky to a pet hospital. It was touch and go for Lucky. The doctor could not save one of his legs. It didn't matter the man loved Lucky more than ever. Together they worked at teaching Lucky his tricks all over again. This time with three legs instead of four. Lucky was better than ever.

Lucky is a fun story young readers will love. This is a great way for parents and teachers to start a conversation about pets with disabilities and even kids with disabilities. Lucky can teach young readers that people and pets with disabilities can still do lots of things.


  1. i would to win this one for john my grandson who bd is later thsi year
    desi the

  2. I visited Craig's web site and left a comment. When my daughter was younger and had Bone Cancer they actually had dogs come in to interact with the children. I think anytime animals are used in story telling whatever the message always ends up succeeding. Thanks for this opportunity. GFC name is Lucky47 and email subscriber.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  3. Thanks everyone for stopping by. Carol your are the winner of Lucky.

  4. Kristi, thank you so very much. My grandson is going to love this. :)
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  5. Thanks Carol. I sent you an email please email me your address so I can send the book. Thanks.

  6. Hi Carol. Still waiting on your address information.


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