Mistress Masham's Repose

If you liked Gulliver's Travels then you will love this continuation!

Mistress Masham’s Repose
T.H. White
BIBLIO: 1973, New York Review of Books, Ages 12 to 18, $11.99.
FORMAT: Young Adult
ISBN:  9781681370064

If your kids loved Gulliver’s Travels then they are already familiar with the Lilliputians. Maria, a ten-year-old orphan and heiress to a large estate called Malplaquet. Her guardians Miss Brown and Vicar weren’t very nice and they were scheming to rob her of her inheritance. Little did they know, Maria spent her time exploring the house and the grounds.  She discovered the Lilliputians living on a little island on the grounds called Mistress Masham’s Repose. Maria was young and wanted to treat the Lilliputians like toys. She quickly learned that they were a civilized people and that she needed to treat them in that manner.

Maria and the Lilliputians real problems began when they were discovered by Miss Brown, who then decided she could make a lot of money from the discovery of these little beings. Could Maria ban together with the Lilliputians to save themselves or would they just fall to the demise of Miss Brown?
