Disney Villains The Evilest Of Them All

Do you have a favorite Disney villain? They are all awsomely evil in their own special way.

Title: Disney Villains The Evilest Of Them All
Author: Rachael Upton
Publisher: Studio Fun International
ISBN:  9780794441609


Are all of the Disney villains really bad, horrible and evil? Absolutely! This hilarious guide will give readers insight on each villain and provides these evil characters an opportunity to actually defend or justify why they do the naughty things they do. It’s hilariously fun to read and get insight on their evil hearts.

Ursula takes pride in the fact that she is a freelance sea witch. She doesn’t like people who break magical contracts and she really doesn’t like King Triton. As a matter of fact, her prize possession is his crown and trident. Her plan was to rule the sea, that is until she met Ariel. When her plan was foiled she simply decided that ruling the sea wasn’t for her. And of course it wasn’t that she was defeated, she just changed her mind.

Dr. Facilier has unique voo doo talents and loves a good magic potion. He doesn’t like magical debts, being poor or disrespected. He had a plan to take on a Prince’s lifestyle by tricking him and turning him into a frog. Little did he know, that with loves true kiss, from a waitress to a frog would mess up things and get his friends, from the other side, a little upset. It’s all good. Like many times before, he is like a bad penny and will turn up again.

 Disney fans will love this cheeky guide which provides readers with an inside look into each villains likes, dislikes, skills, education and even work experience. It reads like a personal interview with each villain explaining their non-defeat. Readers will find all of the characteristics that make these villians the bad guys you love to hate. This fast fun read is great for any family library and is a great conversation starter at gatherings for debate as to whom is the evilest of them all.

Courtesy of Media Masters Publicity
