Wilderness Earth's Amazing Habitats

Title:  Wilderness Earth’s Amazing Habitats
Author:  Mia Cassany
Illustrator:  Marcos Navarro
Publisher:  Prestel
ISBN:   9783791373720


“Earth’s wildernesses represent true paradises for many plants and animals. These wild landscapes cover only about 5% of the earth’s surface, yet they are home to roughly half of the plant and animal species we know at this time. And new species are constantly being discovered.”

There are wonderful national parks all over the world. You can decide which you would like to visit by deciding what type of plants and animals you would want to see. If you’d like to see babbons, leopards and hippos you may want to visit the Niokolo-Koba National Park in Africa’s Senegal. If you’d like to see a Bengal tigers you may want to visit the Sundarbans National Park in India. If you are a fan of birds, the Tropical Rainforest of New Guinea located in New Guinea has over 800 species of birds.

This beautifully illustrated guide has vibrant colors that showcase the plants, insects and animals in the national parks that can be found across the globe. The back pages offer more learning and share some of the various artwork with the types of animals, insects and plants and lists the names of each. Parents and teachers can use this as a guide to engage young learners by sharing information about the various areas of the world that need our help and protection from deforestation.

Courtesy of Media Masters Publicity
