Nerd Aa to Zz by T.J. Resler

What kind of nerd are you? Are you into tech, science, culture, history or what? It really doesn’t matter in this guide because there is something for every kind of nerd here. Each section starts with a chart asking the reader various questions that will guide them to which category of nerd best fits.

Title:  Nerd Aa to Zz
Author:  T. J. Resler
Photography: Various
Publisher:  National Geographic
ISBN: 9781426334740   


This handy tool shares nerdy stuff from A to Z. These pages are filled with awesome photos, nerds of note, fun facts and lots of information explaining each topic. Readers may even be able to find some nerdy celebrities too. If you are a comic book nerd there is an A to Z section with snippets about some favorite comic heroes. Are you a legos nerd? If so, did you know there are lego master builders who create objects that are life size? Robotics are a big part of our culture and this guide has some interesting insight just for robot nerds. If you are a nerd who loves espionage this guide has sprite satellites, animals with superpowers and more. Are you familiar with unmeltable ice cream or upside down lightening? All of the unimaginable can be found here in quick interesting snippets that will engage and inspire further learning.

Parents and teachers will love this reference guide for kids and themselves. Readers will find plenty of mind blowing knowledge to be shared and researched for further learning. The photos and illustrations are found on every page to provide readers a visual perspective of what they learn. Readers can also learn about other awesome nerds, review flow charts, test their knowledge with quizzes and many other curated curiosities.

Courtesy of Media Masters Publicity
