Are you frustrated that you can't find anyone to review your book? Are you researching for a reviewer for your genre? Are you sending random emails asking for reviews? If you've answered yes to any or all of these questions you need help. I've got six easy steps that will help you potentially get reviews.
Finding the perfect reviewer for your book may be more involved than the 6 easy steps that I've listed below, but it really doesn't have to be. I think you will find that simply following these 6 steps you will at least get a response and some positive interaction.
Step 1 - Review Their Blog
However you go about finding a book reviewer the most important thing you will want to do is visit their website or blog. Just doing this covers two very important things. First, you'll want to make sure they post regularly and they review books similar to yours. This will help you save time and really see their posts, writing style and even learn a bit about them.
Step 2 - Review Their Social Media
In addition to seeing how regularly they post on their blog or website you will find that social media platforms such as Twitter, Goodreads, Amazon, Instagram, Facebook, and even Pinterest as just as important. If your preferred reviewer isn't active on social media they probably won't share a review to their supporters and that won't help you get more eyes on your book. If they only share reviews on Goodreads or Amazon make sure your book is listed there.
Step 3 - Review Their Policy
Most reviewers will have a policy listed explaining what types of books they will review and even if arc copies, pdf files or ebooks are acceptable. Investigating a policy will also answer questions about fees, timelines or even if they are not accepting reviews currently. They may even list a time frame when they will be available to review.
Step 4 - Be Kind In Your Request
When you decide to reach out to a reviewer via email be kind and write a respectful email letting them know, first and foremost, that you've reviewed their site, social media and especially their review policy. If you took a moment to review their "About" tab you may find that you have things in common. If so, be sure to mention that as well.
Step 5 - Provide Your Information
Each reviewer will want to know more about you and your book. Be sure to include a book cover, book synopsis and links where your book can be found. Don't forget to include you social media links. This lets them know you are savvy about sharing yourself and that you can share their review with your followers. It only makes sense that you share information about them when they will be doing the same for you.
Step 6 - Be Patient
Please be patient in waiting for a response once you've sent an email. Keep in mind reviewers have a life of their own when they aren't reading and reviewing books. Some may only check their emails at night or possibly only once or twice per week. They may have several piles of books or are working on their own writing projects. A good rule of thumb would be to wait at least one week. Send a follow-up email. If you still don't hear back in another week. Move on to another reviewer.
Although these 6 steps may seem common sense, a lot of authors don't follow these steps and as a result either won't get a response or they may be redirected to review a site, have questions asked about your book and where it can be found. If you stay ahead of the game and do these simple things your bound to get a positive outcome.
You can find book reviewers on these sites:
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