I Am Love – A Book of Compassion by Susan Verde


Title: I Am Love – A Book of Compassion

Author: Susan Verde

Illustrations: Peter H Reynolds

Publisher: Abrams Books

ISBN: 9781419737268



When a person goes through a dark storm of hurt, sadness, anger and fear they will see that love and compassion along with tenderness can bring the light back. Love listens and is gentle with softly spoken words. Love is gratitude in appreciation for all that is given. Love is kind gestures and connectivity. 

Author Susan Verde shares a simplistic way of showing love and compassion. This story shows readers the darkness a storm can bring and how with love they can get to the light. The art by Peter H. Reynolds shows love as pinks, blues and a mix of rainbow colors that will resonate with readers. Parents and teachers can use this as a tool for kids to help them stay on the course, fight their fears and be up to the challenges that lie ahead and know they are not alone. The authors note in that back shares’ mindfulness techniques.

