Coretta's Journey by Alice Faye Duncan


Title: Coretta’s Journey

Author: Alice Faye Duncan

Illustrations: R. Gregory Christie

Publisher: Calkins Creek

ISBN: 9781662680045



Young readers can follow along as the story unfolds with the journey of Coretta Scott King. She had her own fight for justice long before she met her husband Dr. Martin Luther King. 

Coretta was born in Alabama under the shadow of racial injustice, Jim Crow laws, and racial segregation. Aside from walking miles to school she also was tasked with picking cotton. Her mother encouraged her to get an education so she could become someone special. Coretta learned after graduating from college as a valedictorian that books were freedom.  Coretta liked music, dancing, and engaging conversations about American politics. When she met Dr. King, she wasn’t as smitten with him as he was with her. But together they were the perfect team to fight injustice. 

Author Alice Fay Duncan has created a poetic story and timeline that young readers can follow and be engaged in the history and story of this amazing woman. Parents, teachers, and caregivers can read this story aloud to feel the rhythm and better appreciate her individuality outside of her marriage. Beautiful illustrations depict Coretta’s life showing calm and fighting with colors.


Courtesy Smith Publicity
