Justice Makes a Difference by Dr. Artika Tyner and Jacklyn Milton


Title: Justice Makes a Difference
Author: Dr. Artika Tyner and Jacklyn Milton
Illustrations: Jeremy Norton and Janos Orban
Publisher: Book Bridge Press
ISBN: 9780998555300

Justice often spends quality time with her grandmother, engaging in meaningful discussions and reading sessions. Together, they explore the significance of Justice's name and the potential for her to become a future leader and serve in her community. 
Inspired by her grandmother's faith-based actions and community involvement, Justice aspires to follow in her footsteps. She immerses herself in literature about influential figures such as Ida B. Wells, Paul Robeson, Dr. Wangari Maathai, Shirley Chisholm, and Ella Baker, drawing motivation from their dedication to serving and helping others globally and within their communities. 

This amazing story is a valuable tool for parents, educators, and caregivers to facilitate conversations about influential leaders who have made significant contributions to the advancement of justice, freedom, and civil rights. The book, featuring stunning illustrations, highlights the importance of family love and support and emphasizes the role of literature in educating children about thought-provoking individuals who have devoted their lives to promoting justice and equality.

 Courtesy Book Bridge Press
