Carl Walker: The Sound of Justice by Majeste Phillip


 Title: Carl Walker: The Sound of Justice

Author: Majeste Phillip

Illustrations: Whimsical Designs

Publisher: Planting People Growing Justice Press

ISBN: 978-1959223603



When Carl Walker was young, he aspired to play the piano and contribute positively to his community, inspired by the musical legacies of his father and grandmother in church. As he matured, he recognized the importance of pursuing a formal education to achieve his dreams. Thanks to a scholarship, he enrolled at McKendree College in Illinois where he pursued music. 

Later, he furthered his music education at MacPhail College in Minnesota, where he met his wife. Together, they raised five children. While pursuing his passion for music through performances and teaching, Carl also maintained a full-time position as an admissions clerk at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Saint Paul, becoming the first African American male to hold such a role. 

In the 1970s, Carl felt a strong call to serve as a pastor. He enrolled at North Central University in Minneapolis and by 1983, he began preaching at Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church in Saint Paul. Through his leadership, he introduced new hymns to the choir. By 1992, he established his own congregation, Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church, gaining recognition for its impactful shelter program. Sensing the need for a broader platform, Carl founded the Walker West Academy in collaboration with Grant West, offering piano lessons to aspiring musicians. 

Over thirty years, Carl Walker earned a reputation for nurturing numerous students who had successful musical careers. The academy, which welcomed all individuals seeking to study music, expanded its facilities to include a recital hall, recording studio, technology lab, and outdoor spaces. Through his vision, Carl successfully realized his dream of using music as a tool for healing and empowerment within the African American community. 

Author Majeste Phillip has crafted a narrative that encourages readers to embrace new experiences, explore their heritage, seek assistance when needed, and demonstrate compassion. This book can serve as a valuable tool for parents, educators, and guardians seeking to educate themselves and others on music, African American culture, and history. Additional resources for further learning are provided in the back of the book, along with a glossary containing insightful historical information.
