Flower Power: The Magic of Nature's Healers by Christine Paxmann

Title: Flower Power
Author:  Christine Paxmann
Illustrator:  Olaf Hajek
Publisher:  Prestel Publishing
ISBN: 9783791373997  


Exotic paintings of flowers that have a history of healing are the creative art form of illustrator Olaf Hajek in this handy guide to herbs and their healing properties.

 This book isn’t just for kids. The history and use of these beautiful flowers have helped heal many peoples for many years. Learning which parts of the flowers to use started by trial and error. Readers will learn how these flowers got their names, how they are used, and why their colors are so vibrant. Parents and teachers can use this as a tool to teach and discuss plants, herbs, healing and even art.

Courtesy of Media Masters Publicity


  1. This book looks amazing! I wonder if it has dandelions in it!


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